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Your Testimonials

As a professional in the field of nursing and with training in traditional Chinese medicine, I found the quality of these products to be very satisfactory. I use them and recommend their consumption, as they allow for the natural recovery of pathological conditions, but they also act as health-promoting agents. I stopped taking artificial vit C to help with iron absorption, because AMALAKI is very rich in this vitamin and played the role of an increased adjuvant to ferritin.AMLA fruit NaturalAMLA fruit GingerAMLA fruit CardamomAMLA fruit CinnamonAMLA fruit Lemongrass

Florbela, Lisboa

I found out a long time ago that our body usually responds better to natural healing, because it is also from nature. Ayurvedic teas are perfectly combined and miraculously effective. And specifically, your company does an excellent job, quality raw materials and a perfect choice. I have been buying your products regularly for several years. They worked best for me: KATPHALA tea, which I use for flu and APANA for unpleasant menstrual period. My symptoms immediately decrease by 70-80%. Well thank you.

Lujza, Bratislava

High quality teas.CALMING RELAXATION

Pavel, Vysoké Mýto

Hello, I regularly buy VARUNA, which helps me with inflammation of the urinary tract. And I also use it as a prevention for cleansing.


For some time now, my feet and hands have been always cold. Since I started drinking VATA tea according to the test done, my blood circulation has improved. My hands and feet are warm again. Greetings Wioleta.VATA

Wioleta, Warszawa

Hello, I did a 3 month treatment with the herbal pastes, skin, liver-blood and brain / nerves! CHYAWANPRASH is now again the ultimate vitalizing agent. They are all tasty. Sweet, sour, tart with honey and use with vegan milk, tasty. Teas have been well received by friends! I wish you would get to more people, especially in the healing, nursing and hospital sectors, with the elderly and children. A cooperation of modern and traditional healing methods that complement each other would be ideal.RASAPRASHRAKTAPRASH

Purnam, Warendorf

For a long time I suffered from intestine spasms accompanied by a loud belly rumbling. I attended a traditional medicine doctor`s office, where I was recommended GUDUCHI tea. After one month of using the trouble almost disappeared.GUDUCHI


Hello, I have been drinking VATA tea for more than a week. It really tastes well and calms me down. Thanks.VATA

Laura R.

I have been drinking KARAVI for two weeks already, I feel better, it helps.KARAVI


Hi, what a lovely web site you have. I have a good feeling about your company and integrity. Many thanks. Kind regards, Astrid Pook, New Zealand.

Astrid Pook, New Zealand

NIMBA tea helped me with itchy eczema. I highly recommend!!!NIMBA

Hana Horáková

Hello, I definitely recommend trying smoothies with hot drink mixtures! They are a wonderful helper in detoxification procedures. I am grateful that these products are available and I believe that more people will discover their potential!

Adam P., Bratislava

I have noticed that since drinking AMALAKI and eating your dried fruit, my hair has stopped falling. I'm even growing new ones and I haven't experienced that in about 15 years. Thank your team for offering people these miracles of nature and human help.AMLA fruit NaturalAMLA drink NATURAL

Marta Brabcová

I have noticed that since drinking AMALAKI and eating your dried fruit, my hair has stopped falling. I'm even growing new ones and I haven't experienced that in about 15 years. Thank your team for offering people these miracles of nature and human help. For me your products are the real miracle. MANJISTHA tea is perfect for viruses and bacteria. At least one cup I take a day. Your dried MANGO is an absolute delicates! I have never had better! Thank your team for offering people this miracles of nature and human help. Gratefully, Marta Brabcova, PragueMANGO dried fruit

Marta Brabcová

Thank you for such wonderful teas. I have been drinking NAGARA for two months and I have come back to life. I also tried PITTA Tea and I sincerely recommend it.

Anna, Chorzów

I drank your teas already as a teenage woman. The first experience with DALCHINI tea was incredible, especially during the flu season, when this tea literally opened my airways like a miracle. Later, unfortunately, I was diagnosed with borreliosis and you know how it is with doctors (strict monitoring and a lot of chemical drugs, which my body with sensitive digestion did not handle well) and therefore I also used MANJISHTA tea with the help of borreliosis tinctures from another natural manufacturer. One year after I was diagnosed with borreliosis, neither the doctor nor the infectious disease specialist understood how it was possible to cure it so quickly. With great determination and the strength of inner energy, I will continue to use these great products. ☺ Thank you very much.MANJISHTA

Karin, Žiar nad Hronom

I drank Shatawari tea after my cyst surgery and I still drink it every now and then and thank God no cyst has come back. I highly recommend him.SHATAWARI

Kristína, Nitra

I use DHATAKI tea, menstruation is milder and shorter.

Martina, Vyskeř

The products help me with any health problem. They helped me get rid of an ovarian cyst, back pain, helped me improve my digestion. However, the dosage must be followed. Thank you, Everest Ayurveda♥SHATAWARI


Hello, after the vaccination, I had a complete breakdown of my entire body, incl. menstrual cycle. I suffered from very heavy, irregular, painful periods, PMS and short cycles. So I drank your APANA and DHATAKI teas. The first menstration after the tea treatment was immediately affected! Menstruation came without unpleasant PMS, it was mild and painless. Thank you very much ❤ thanks to your teas, I avoided further hormonal treatment and possible surgery.DHATAKI


Hello. I ordered several products from you and I was satisfied with them. I plan to order another soon. Thank you.MANOPRASH


In any case your teas are incredibly calming dementia and improve this condition too! Far better than medication! Thank you!!!!!


I like the MORINGA and GREEN BARLEY hot drinks. They have helped me and are still treating my allergies. And I can breathe well. Thank you very much.AMLA drink MORINGAAMLA drink YOUNG BARLEY


TRIPHALA tea for digestive tract detoxification and KALAMEGHA tea for liver and gall bladder have helped with digestion, bowel movements and overall I feel lighter.TRIPHALA


I have already had the opportunity to consume some of these products and they are indeed wonderful. Some symptoms of discomfort that I had completely disappeared. The taste of TEALIKE MEDITATION tea is delicious. I love it. Thank you for bringing us inspiring flavors and messages from the Himalayas. May enlightenment come quickly to Humanity's mind.TEALIKE MEDITATION

Jeni Borges, Lisboa