Circulatory System

The circulatory system is made up of the central organ - the heart and blood vessels and ensures the circulation of blood and lymph in the body, thus allowing the transfer of nutrients to the bodily tissues and the excretion of waste substances. The circulatory system is further divided into the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.

The health of both systems is based on the health and quality of the lymph and blood, which is made up of blood plasma and blood cells.

Blood (rakta) enables the physical existence of life, distributes heat throughout the body, oxygenates all bodily tissues and gives colour to the skin. Its main component is the red blood cells, which, as carriers of nutrients and haemoglobin, provide the bodily tissues with a constant supply of vital energy.

Plasma (rasa) contains white blood cells and tissue fluids such as water, blood plasma and lymph. It is formed from our daily diet within twelve hours of ingesting food and provides cellular nutrition for all other tissues. Within five days it is converted into blood and becomes an integral part of every cell of the body. Therefore, i tis necessary to care of the purity and quality of the food.

Lymph has a similar composition to blood plasma. It is formed in the intercellular space from tissue fluid and circulates in the lymphatic vessels as a guardian of immunity. It ensures the filtration of harmful substances in the lymph nodes and then drains them into the bloodstream. Lymphatic organs include the spleen, lymph nodes, cervical and nasal tonsils, thymus, bone marrow and appendix.

Find our recommendations for blood and lymphatic care in the article Join in the Ayurvedic Purification - Lymph & Blood.

Circulatory System


Heart Activity

6,90 €


Limb Perfusion

6,90 €


Blood Circulation & Blood Vessel Patency

6,90 €


Elevated Blood Pressure

6,90 €


Lowered Blood Pressure

6,90 €


Iron & Blood Quality

6,90 €


Lymphatic System & Immunity

6,90 €