Your Testimonials
Hello, I bought your RANJAKA tea and it is doing me good (for fatigue and irritation). Thanks
I am satisfied with teas and elixirs as well.
Hello, I've been using your wonderful MANJISHTA tea for a couple of months now. It's helped me a lot. Thank you very much. Your website is great too.
I had hot flushes due to the starting menopause. I tried your tea, and it helped, and I also got other teas and elixirs for colds, muscle relief, TRIPHALA tea, and teas and elixirs for joints. I'm excited, and I also have delicious drinks, strangely, they taste for me, although there's TURMERIC or MORINGA in them, which I don't like at all. Thank you.
I found BRAHMI tea did help me, I feel I am less stressed and my concentration is improving.
Hello, my grandmother has many health troubles. One of them is insufficient blood supply to her legs. She wakes at night in pain, but nothing helps her. After she tried your tea (VYANA) she feels much better. Thanks for her.
Hello, I have tried your weight reduction tea and it really helps, thank you. Regards
I have tried APANA for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!
Hello, I had a big problem with sleep, I started drinking ASHWAGANDHA tea and I sleep all night like a baby. Thanks
NIMBA tea helped me with itchy eczema. I highly recommend!!!