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Spirulina - a Miraculous Blue "Algae"

Spirulina is most often referred to as freshwater algae, but botanically it belongs to the blue cyanobacteria due to its color in direct sunlight. The best known species of spirulina is arthrospira platensis, which grows in tropical and subtropical lakes with high pH and carbonate concentrations in Africa, Asia and South America.

Algae Rich in Vitamins, Minerals and Proteins

Spirulina has become one of the superfoods mainly due to its high content of minerals, proteins and vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, A, D, E, K and C. Proteins are needed for growth, regeneration, energy and longevity of cells. One study even suggests that a gram of spirulina contains more protein than a gram of meat. Spirulina is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which has antioxidant effects and optimizes brain and heart function, as well as easily absorbed nutrients such as carotene, chlorophyll, phycocyanin, cell salts, plant nutrients and enzymes. Among the health beneficial metals, its composition includes manganese, zinc, copper, selenium and chromium.

At the same time, the beneficial effects of spirulina are mainly used to strengthen the immune system and overall vitality of vegetarian and vegan diets, to support muscle growth and normalize blood sugar levels. It also helps with weight loss and weight control. It contains iron, which contributes to the formation of red blood cells and the transfer of oxygen to body tissues, copper, which helps with the transfer of iron in the bloodstream, riboflavin, which promotes iron metabolism, and thiamine, which promotes cardiac activity.

Spirulina as a Cosmic Diet

Due to its high content of proteins, minerals and vitamins, spirulina was scientifically researched in the 20th century as a potential alternative source of nutrition for human life. In 1974, at the 1st World Food Conference, spirulina was even named "the best food of the future". Scientific studies have subsequently shown its positive effect on the treatment of many diseases, such as leukemia, diabetes, herpes, flu and radiation protection. Given its all-round positive effects, it is not surprising that it has been included in a strictly selected list of medical and food products in NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) menus for space station crews.

How to Take Spirulina

Spirulina is available mainly in tablets or in the form of a ground powder, in Ayurveda called churna, which is consumed mixed in warm water with honey. If you would like to try the effects of spirulina - strengthen your immunity, clear your body of toxins and support your muscles and slim line - you can try our unique combination of ground spirulina powder with Ayurvedic amla fruit rich in vitamin C, which we offer in 100% natural and RAW quality.

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