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Slim Line? Have Some Marmalade!

Get your slim line back and have lots of energy again!

Elixir Medaprash is a herbal jam that ensures a healthy metabolism of sugars and fats and thus contributes to the reduction of body weight. 2-3 teaspoons a day will help reduce your appetite, promote good digestion and rid your body of excess water. Ayurvedic herbs cooked in healthy Amla fruit jam also support liver function, lower glucose and cholesterol levels, and boost the body's life energy and vitality.

It is very easy to use! Eat 1 teaspoon of marmalade - elixir twice a day with a sip of water, milk or vegetable milk. Keep at least 1 hour between meals, you can use before or after meals.

For a successful therapy, we recommend that you follow several basic procedures:

  • minimize your diet after 6 pm to a light whole grain diet and vegetable salads
  • lighten your menu with a vegetarian diet - your digestion will not only spend so much energy on digestion, but you will have it left over for other activities as well
  • move regularly - according to your taste and possibilities

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