Excretory System

The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Excess water is excreted in the urine as liquid waste filtered by the kidneys. Excessive use of salt causes water retention and weakens the kidneys. Their improper function is then most often manifested by problems in the lumbar spine, knees and joints.

Healthy Excretion

There are three main waste substances that are excreted from the body: urine, feces and sweat. Healthy excretion through the large intestine is essential for the proper functioning of vata dosha, urine excretion is regulated by pitta dosha and kapha dosha is responsible for the sweating process. Other finer waste products are the excreta of the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and reproductive organs. The very finest form of waste products is then produced as a result of cellular metabolism.

Ayurvedic medicine pays great attention to good and regular bowel movements, as many psychosomatic disorders have their origin in an overpolluted colon. This is where the final stage of the digestive process takes place, when the pranic energy released from the daily diet is absorbed into the body. Also, fluid is absorbed by the colon and then excreted from the body in the form of urine through the kidneys and bladder. Regular cleansing and proper functioning of the colon and kidneys is therefore very important for good physical health, mental balance and an optimistic feeling of life.

For kidney cleansing recommendations, see the article Join the Ayurvedic Purification - Kidneys & Urinary Tract.



Excretory System


Kidneys & Urinary Tract

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