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Your Testimonials

I drink your teas to stay healthy, the doctors have been treating me for 3 years without success. I tried your teas as a last resort and I didn't believe that the miracle had become a reality and I had no problems at all, I thank nature and the people who deal with it and prepare medicinal tea mixtures.VYANA

Dana, Zdiby-Brnky

SARAGANDHA tea was recommended to me by a nurse in the store and I must say that the pressure has returned to normal. I also tried GOTU KOLA tea for my father for dementia and it is really effective. When he started coughing, I bought him PRANA tea and I must say that after the first tea, the cough subsided significantly, and the next night he could sleep more peacefully, because the cough did not wake him up. My father was 80 years old and I was afraid he would get pneumonia. Tea is also to be applied during this disease, and I just have to confirm that the tea helped. So I started to believe that teas really help and now we have more teas for our hair, stomach, heart and we are about to buy tea for sleep, blood vessels, muscles and more. I definitely believe in the power of nature. Thank you for making these teas available in Slovakia. I've also tried dried fruits in the past, and they're incredibly juicy and tasty.PRANAGOTU KOLA

Dagmar, Pača

I am very excited about the teas. After ASHWAGANDHA tea I sleep like a baby. When being attacked by a viruses, after drinking KATPHALA, fever reduced, sore throat disspeared and energy level increased with no use of pills!ASHWAGANDHAKATPHALA

Klára S.

I have tried NIMBA tea for skin problems and I swear by it, I am going to try other teas as well!


I would like to thank for NAGARA tea, thanks to which I got rid of my problems. I observed the positive effects in five days. And not only did I get rid of that inflammation, but also the feeling of cold hands and feet. I also have significantly cleaner skin.NAGARA


Good day. I have a very good experience with JATAMANSI tea. Due to difficult life problems, I began to have insomnia and anxiety, which later turned into depression. At first I tried ASHWAGANDHA tea for insomnia, but unfortunately I was already at the stage where my hands were shaking, I felt tense for 24 hours and had a fluctuating mood, so ASHWAGANDHA only helped a little, it was my fault, because I choose not quite a suitable tea to my health problems. I only felt real relief after trying JATAMANSI. It worked for me to combine JATAMANSI and ASHWAGANDHA or ASHWAGANDHA and RAJANI teas. RegardsJATAMANSIRAJANI

Alex, Praha

I must praise your teas RANJAKA, SHATAWARI, VIDANGA and ASHOKA and from elixirs ARTHAVAPRASH. They work great, I'm excited!RANJAKAASHOKAARTHAVAPRASH


I would like to share my experience with SLESAKA tea for joints. I worked in the mountains in Norway and carried 50 kg of food and started to feel the joints. I drank 2-3 cups after 4 days and the pain went completely. I've been drinking it for 7 years. Thank youSLESAKA


Hello, I have been using APANA already for three months, always two days before the menstrual cycle and I do not have to use any pills for pain relief. Common herbal teas were not working. Thank you very much.APANA

M. Matoušková

I have tried APANA for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!

Oldřiška J.

I suffered from unpleasant diarrheas and digestion problems for several weeks. Regular pharmacy medicine was completely ineffective. With SHUNTHI my problem was gone shortly! This tea, compared to other gastric teas, is very tasty.SHUNTHI


With regular use of SARPAGANDHA tea, I managed to reduce hypertension by an average of about 20 mmHg and my doctor is no longer threatening me with pills. I am convinced that the power of nature wins. Thank you!SARPAGANDHA

Otto, Turnov

For me, your teas are excellent companions of the my life pilgrimage, really :) And I am proud that it is a Czech-Slovak-Nepalese community. Thank you very much from the heart.MOUNTAIN STRENGTH

Petr Dušek, Stehelčeves

In the past, I used PACHAKA as a nutritional supplement because it is used to treat smoking addiction, so I have now ordered KUDZU tea, and I can confirm that I have reduced sweets, pastries, chocolate to zero, in addition to its relaxing effect on muscles.PACHAKAKUDZU

Eva, Levice

I recommend PACHAKA tea. I have been suffering from a pain under my left rib - stomach or spleen problem. After a few days' use, the pain was gone. The effect is amazing. Now I am trying BHRINGARAJ for hair.PACHAKA


I am satisfied with teas and elixirs as well.MAMSAPRASHSHUKRAPRASH


I want to thank you for adding CHYAWANPRASH to your offer. This elixir is fantastic. I got him once in India, but could not find him later here. Now I am very happy to buy it in Slovakia as well.


Hello, I have often suffered from migraines. PRANA tea helped me with these problems. I would like to deal with all ailments (varicose veins, menopause) in this way. I am very satisfied with herbal teas.PRANA

Věra, Kunčice pod Ondřejníkem

On the recommendation, I bought the PURISHAPRASH elixir for slow metabolism and I highly recommend trying it. It helps me and I will definitely like to try other herbal products. Thank you P.PURISHAPRASH

Petra, Brno

I had a problem with slow intestines and bloating, PURISHAPRASH jam - bowel & emptying helped me a lot with this problem, I feel much better ...PURISHAPRASH

Hana, Partizánské

Whole month through I was honestly using ABHAYA for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. Thanks a lot.ABHAYA

Irena Štěpánová

Hello, I am 25 years old and as a regular blood donator, I was often told by the blood transfusion centre, that I do not have a good blood. Since the time I use your teas they have not complained to me anymore. Thank you very much.

Michal T.

I have an experience with tea for strong menstrual pain and it helped me a lot. I do not have to use any pills, only 2 or 3 times a day I drink this tea, I feel much better. Thank you very much.


The problem of cold was solved right after drinking the first tea. I am excited and where I go, I have been recommending it for already two years.

Marcela, Hradec Králové

I had hot flushes due to the starting menopause. I tried your tea, and it helped, and I also got other teas and elixirs for colds, muscle relief, TRIPHALA tea, and teas and elixirs for joints. I'm excited, and I also have delicious drinks, strangely, they taste for me, although there's TURMERIC or MORINGA in them, which I don't like at all. Thank you.ASTHIPRASH

T. Suchopárková, Mělník